
游戏 徐 自远 943℃



恐惧敌人后移动速度提高 (45-60)%,持续 4 秒

Gain (45-60)%increased movement speed for 4 seconds after Fearing an enemy.

昏迷效果的持续时间延长 (20-25)%

Increases durationof Stun effects by (20-25)%.

击中时有机会媚惑敌人。被媚惑的敌人受到的伤害提高 35%

Chance on hit tocharm the enemy. While charmed, the enemy takes 35% more damage.

获得屠杀殆尽的奖励后,召唤出 (4-6) 个骷髅守护者,持续 10 秒

After earning amassacre bonus, (4-6) Skeletons are summoned to fight by your side for 10seconds.

击中时有机会将其他敌人拉向你的目标,并使其移动速度降低 (60-80)%

Chance on hit topull in enemies toward your target and Slow them by (60-80)%.

防止受到所有秘法伤害,并恢复相当于 (20-25)% 伤害值的生命值

Prevent all Arcanedamage taken and heal yourself for (20-25)% of the amount prevented.

当受到足以致命的伤害时,你将恢复至生命值上限与能量上限的 100%。但此物品亦将同时毁坏

When receivingfatal damage, you are instead restored to 100% of maximum Life and resources.This item is destroyed in the process.

击昏敌人时,召唤暗影化身协助你战斗。此效果每 30 秒可触发一次

Summons shadowclones to your aid when you Stun an enemy. This effect may occur once every 30seconds.

防止受到所有毒素伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值

Prevent all Poisondamage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

防止受到神圣所有伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值

Prevent all Holydamage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

.防止受到所有冰寒伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值

Prevent all Colddamage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

防止受到所有火焰伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值

Prevent all Firedamage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

防止受到电击所有伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值

Prevent allLightning damage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

防止受到秘法所有伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值

Prevent all Arcanedamage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

防止受到物理所有伤害,并恢复相当于 (10-15)% 伤害值的生命值

Prevent allPhysical damage taken and heal yourself for (10-15)% of the amount prevented.

击中 15 码内的敌人有一定机率召唤出护体的秘能晶石,在敌人接近时爆炸,对 15 码内的敌人造成 (240-320)% 武器伤害值的秘法伤害

Hitting an enemywithin 15 yards has a chance to ward you with shards of Arcane energy thatexplode when enemies get close, dealing (240-320)% weapon damage as Arcane toenemies within 15 yards.

根据损失的生命值而提高每秒生命恢复,最多可提高 (75-100)%

Increase your Lifeper Second by up to (75-100)% based on your missing Life.


Zombie Dogs insteadsummons a single gargantuan dog with more damage and health than all other dogscombined.


You drain life fromenemies around you.


All damage taken issplit between wearers of this item.

电击伤害法术有 (13-17)% 的机率使敌人昏迷 1.5 秒

Lightning damagehas a (13-17)% chance to Stun for 1.5 seconds.

精气累积技能会额外产生 (40-50)% 的精气

Your SpiritGenerators generate (40-50)% more Spirit.

套装加成效果所需的装备数量降低 1 件(最少为 2 件)

Reduces the numberof items needed for set bonuses by 1 (to a minimum of 2).

每次拾起金币可使你的金币与生命之球拾取距离延长 1 码,持续 10 秒,最多可堆栈 30 次

Each time you pickup gold, increase your Gold and Health Pickup radius by 1 yard for 10 seconds,stacking up to 30 times.


被击中时有 (20-30)% 机率受到骨盾保护(20-30)%

chance tobe protected by a shield of bones when you are hit.

格挡攻击时所受到的伤害降低 (45-60)%

You take (45-60)%less damage from blocked attacks.


Enemies affected byProvoke take double damage from Thorns.


Reduces thecooldown of Heaven’s Fury by (45-50)%.

格挡时有机会召唤出一只会冲锋的狼,对穿过的所有敌人造成 (300-400)% 武器伤害

Blocks have achance of summoning a charging wolf that deals (300-400)% weapon damage to allenemies it passes through.

.格挡时有一定机率使攻击者冻结 (0.5-1.5) 秒

Blocking an attackhas a chance to Freeze the attacker for (0.5-1.5) seconds.

你或宠物被击中时有机会使敌人混乱 (3-4) 秒

Chance on you oryour pets being hit to Confuse the enemy for (3-4) seconds.

灵行术会持续到你攻击敌人,或敌人距离你 30 码内为止

Spirit Walk lastsuntil you attack or until an enemy is within 30 yards of you.

你所受到的伤害有 (25-30)% 会转移到殭尸犬身上

(25-30)% of thedamage you take is redirected to your Zombie Dogs.

每 (4-6) 秒会自动召唤一只殭尸犬到你的身边

A Zombie Dog isautomatically summoned to your side every (4-6) seconds.


Teleport gains theeffect of the Wormhole rune.


Ray of Frost nowpierces.


Electrocute canchain to enemies that have already been hit.

魔法飞弹会发射 (1-2) 枚额外的飞弹

Magic Missile fires(1-2) extra missiles.

被冰寒伤害杀死的敌人有 (15-20)% 的机率施放冰霜新星

Enemies killed byCold damage have a (15-20)% chance to release a Frost Nova.

受到伤害时有最高 (15-20)% 的机率重置传送术的冷却时间

Taking damage hasup to a (15-20)% chance to reset the cooldown on Teleport.


Bolas now explodeinstantly.

你可以多设置 2 座卫哨箭塔

You may have 2additional Sentries.

追噬箭有 (20-25)% 的额外机率穿透敌人

Hungering Arrow has(20-25)% additional chance to pierce.

使盾猛击的圣怒消耗降低 (40-50)%

Reduces the Wrathcost of Shield Bash by (40-50)%.

格挡攻击时会恢复你和盟友相当于格挡值 (20-30)% 的生命值

Blocked attacksheal you and your allies for (20-30)% of the amount blocked.


Shield Glare nowhits all enemies around you.

格挡时有最高 (15-20)% 的机率使攻击者昏迷 1.5 秒,此机率会根据你当前的圣怒而调整

When you block, youhave up to a (15-20)% chance to Stun the attacker for 1.5 seconds based on yourcurrent Wrath.

装备双手武器时,造成的伤害提高 10%

Gain 10% increaseddamage while wielding a two-handed weapon.

每次格挡时有 (20-25)% 的机率使所有冷却时间缩短 1 秒

Every successfulblock has a (20-25)% chance to reduce all cooldowns by 1 second.

钢铁之甲会使你的格挡值提高 (45-60)%

Iron Skin alsoincreases your Block Amount by (45-60)%.

祝福之盾会在 (4-6) 名额外敌人之间回旋弹射

Blessed Shieldricochets to (4-6) additional enemies.



Equip on Follower:Gain access to all skills.


Equip on Follower:Your follower cannot die.


在 5 秒内没有受到伤害可使能量消耗降低 30%

Your resource costsare reduced by 30% after not taking damage for 5 seconds.

被不死怪物击中时有 (15-20)% 的机率魅惑该敌人 2 秒

(15-20)% chance onbeing hit by an Undead enemy to charm it for 2 seconds.


Threatening Shouthas a chance to Charm enemies and cause them to join your side.

击中敌人时有一定机率喷溅毒水,对 10 码内的敌人造成 (100-130)% 武器伤害值的毒素伤害

Chance on hit torelease a Poison Nova that deals (100-130)% weapon damage as Poison to enemieswithin 10 yards.

回天气诀的冷却时间缩短 (38-50)%

Reduce the cooldownof Breath of Heaven by (38-50)%.

对敌人造成伤害时有一定机率移除技能的精气消耗,持续 (2-4) 秒

Damaging enemieshas a chance to grant you an effect that removes the Spirit cost of yourabilities for (2-4) seconds.

施展炫目神光会恢复 (75-100) 点精气

Using BlindingFlash restores (75-100) Spirit.


Wave of Light isnow cast at your enemy.

云龙摆尾会施放出可穿透敌人的火球,对命中地点 10 码内的敌人造成 (300-400)% 武器伤害值的火焰伤害

Lashing Tail Kickreleases a piercing fireball that deals (300-400)% weapon damage as Fire toenemies within 10 yards on impact.

八相阵可使每秒精气凝聚提高 (10-15) 点

Inner Sanctuaryincreases Spirit Regeneration per second by (10-15).

宠物造成的伤害提高 (75-100)%

Pets deal (75-100)%more damage.


Your Fetishes shoota Poison Dart every time you do.

在你杀死 2 个精英怪后召唤鬼娃大军

Summon a FetishArmy after you kill 2 Elites.


Locust Swarm andHaunt now deal their damage in half of the normal duration.

攻击时有机会召唤出恐怖的分体 (20%)

Chance to summonhorrific Mimics when attacking. (20%)

惧灵会对附近的敌人造成恐惧和定身效果,持续 (6-8) 秒

Horrify causes youto Fear and Root enemies around you for (6-8) seconds.

秘能低于 30% 时会施放闪电新星,每秒造成 (130-175)% 武器伤害值的电击伤害

While your ArcanePower is below 30%, you emit a Lightning Nova that deals (130-175)% weapondamage as Lightning every second.


Frost Hydra nowperiodically casts Frost Nova.


Double the numberof enemies your Electrocute jumps to.


Your Mirror Imageshave a chance to multiply when killed by enemies.

攻击时有 (20-40)% 机率施放火球(20-40)%

chance tocast a fiery ball when attacking.

生命值低于 35% 时会自动施展钻石之肤。此效果每 (15-20) 秒可触发一次

Automatically castDiamond Skin when you fall below 35% Life. This effect may occur once every (15-20)seconds.


当你受到致命伤害时,有一定机率恢复至生命值上限的 25%,并使敌人因恐惧而逃走

When receivingfatal damage, there is a chance that you are instead restored to 25% of maximumLife and cause nearby enemies to flee in fear.


Your items becomeindestructible.

被击中时有 (15-35)% 的机率爆发一轮飞舞刀刃,造成 200% 武器伤害(15-35)%

chance toexplode in a fan of knives for 200% weapon damage when hit.

使用城镇传送门时不会因为受到伤害而中断,使用时会产生护罩,使你所受的伤害降低 (50-65)%

Your Town Portal isno longer interrupted by taking damage. While casting Town Portal you gain aprotective bubble that reduces damage taken by (50-65)%.



Smite will now alsobe cast at a second nearby enemy.

当你生命值低于 (20-25)% 时,所有攻击都会造成爆击

While below(20-25)% Life, all attacks are guaranteed Critical Hits.


After earning asurvival bonus, quickly heal to full Life.

火焰技能的能量消耗降低 (23-30)%

Reduces theresource cost of Fire skills by (23-30)%.

击中敌人时有机会使其掉落金币 (5%)

Chance for enemiesto drop gold when you hit them. (5%)



Enemy missilessometimes pass through you harmlessly.

闪躲或被远程攻击击中时,会自动发射追踪导弹,对攻击者造成 (600-800)% 武器伤害值的物理伤害

Dodging or gettinghit by a ranged attack automatically shoots a homing rocket back at theattacker for (600-800)% weapon damage as Physical.

生命值低于 25% 时会自动施展烟幕。此效果每 30 秒可触发一次

Automatically castSmoke Screen when you fall below 25% Life. This effect may occur once every 30seconds.

战宠:恶狼战宠如今可召唤出 3 只恶狼

Companion – WolfCompanion now summons 3 wolves.

被击中时自动散落钉爪刺。此效果每 6 秒可触发一次

Automatically dropCaltrops when you are hit. This effect may only occur once every 6 seconds.


生命之球会恢复你 (25-30)% 的主要能量

Health globesrestore (25-30)% of your primary resource.


Picking up goldgrants experience.


Shrines will spawnan enemy champion.

被击中时有机会对附近的敌人造成 1000% 的荆棘伤害

Chance on being hitto deal 1000% of your Thorns damage to nearby enemies.

治疗之井会恢复所有能量,并使所有冷却时间缩短 (45-60) 秒

Healing wellsreplenish all resources and reduce all cooldowns by (45-60) seconds.

25码内每一个昏迷的敌人会使你受到的伤害降低 (9-12)%

Each stunned enemywithin 25 yards reduces your damage taken by (9-12)%.


Every time youdestroy a wreckable object, you gain a short burst of speed.

被击退的敌人落地时,在 5 秒内受到的伤害提高 (20-30)%

Enemies hit byknockbacks suffer (20-30)% more damage for 5 seconds when they land.

使敌人目盲时有 (4-6)% 的机率产生荣耀之球(4-6)%

chance tospawn a Nephalem Glory globe when you Blind an enemy.


圣坛的祝福效果持续 10 分钟

Shrine effects lastfor 10 minutes.

生命药水效果的 (45-60)% 会同时治疗盟友(45-60)%

of HealthPotion effects are also applied to allies.

在 12 码内有 5 个以上的敌人时会获得一个护盾,可吸收相当于你生命值上限 (20-25)% 的伤害,持续 6 秒。此效果每 30 秒可触发一次

When there are 5 ormore enemies within 12 yards, you gain an absorb shield equal to (20-25)% ofyour maximum Life for 6 seconds. This effect may occur once every 30 seconds.


After earning amassacre bonus, gold rains from sky.

使你的宠物攻击速度提高 (40-50)%

Increase attack speedof your pets by (40-50)%.

你的冰冷效果有 (34-45)% 的机率造成冻结,而非缓速效果

Your Chill effectshave up to a (34-45)% chance to Freeze instead of Slow.


打开箱子时会对 5 个附近的敌人施展蚀魂

Haunt is cast on 5nearby enemies when you open a chest.

召唤虫群会使敌人的移动速度降低 (60-80)%

Locust Swarm alsoSlows enemies by (60-80)%.

被秘法黑洞击中的敌人移动速度会降低 (60-80)%,持续 3 秒

Enemies damaged byBlack Hole are also slowed by (60-80)% for 3 seconds.

开启宝箱可使伤害提高 (100-135)%,持续 10 秒

Opening a chestgrants (100-135)% increased damage for 10 seconds.

击中时有机会使一片区域陷入混乱,并使该区域内的敌人盲目并缓速,持续 (2-4) 秒

Chance on hit tocreate a chaos field that Blinds and Slows enemies inside for (2-4) seconds.

拾取生命之球会使你的生命值上限提高 5%,持续 15 秒,最多可堆栈 5 次

Picking up a HealthGlobe increases your maximum Life by 5% for 15 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.

拾取生命之球时可释出爆炸能量,对 20 码内的敌人造成 (300-400)% 武器伤害值的火焰伤害

Picking up a HealthGlobe releases an explosion that deals (300-400)% weapon damage as Fire toenemies within 20 yards.

拾取金币:获得相当于拾取金额的护甲值,持续 5 秒

On gold pickup:Gain armor for 5 seconds equal to the amount picked up.

格挡、闪躲或被击中时,释放电能造成 (100-130)% 武器伤害值的电击伤害

Blocking, dodgingor being hit causes you to discharge bolts of electricity that deal (100-130)%weapon damage as Lightning.


使用战吼会使你和所有受影响盟友的移动速度提高 (30-40)%,持续 10 秒

Using War Cry increasesthe movement speed for you and all allies affected by (30-40)% for 10 seconds.

使忘却苦痛的持续时间延长 (4-6) 秒

Increases theduration of Ignore Pain by (4-6) seconds.


获得一道死亡气息,对 16 码内的敌人造成相当于你每秒生命恢复值 (750-1000)% 的物理伤害。你不再获得每秒恢复生命效果

Gain an aura of deaththat deals (750-1000)% of your Life per Second as Physical damage to enemieswithin 16 yards. You no longer regenerate Life.

移动时你的能量产生值和伤害提高 25%,静止不动时则降低(20-25)%

Your resource generationand damage is increased by 25% while moving and decreased by (20-25)% whilestanding still.

在 12 码内有 3 个以上的敌人时会释放一股恐怖的恶臭,对 15 码内的敌人每秒造成 (240-320)% 武器伤害值的毒素伤害,持续 10 秒

When 3 or moreenemies are within 12 yards, you release a vile stench that deals (240-320)%weapon damage as Poison every second for 10 seconds to enemies within 15 yards.


根据损失的生命值而提高移动速度,最多可提高 (25-30)%

Gain up to (25-30)%increased movement speed based on amount of Life missing.


You may move unhindered through enemies.

静止不动时可获得 500 点的每秒生命恢复。此效果最多可堆栈 8 次

Gain 500 Life regenerationper Second for each second you stand still. This effect stacks up to 8 times.

跃击可在冷却时间开始前的 2 秒内再次施展

Leap can be castagain within 2 seconds before the cooldown begins.


Gain immunity toFreeze and Immobilize effects.

引燃你踏踩而过的地面,每秒造成 100% 武器伤害

Burn the ground youwalk on, dealing 100% weapon damage each second.

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