
单片机相关 徐 自远 914℃ 0评论

最近一个项目用到了STM32F107这块芯片,因为热敏打印机工作等待和液晶菜单GUI一起做还是用任务比较简单。所以考虑了几个方案,最后还是选用RTX Kernel这个MDK的原生系统。因为完全免费嘛。移植起来也方便的很。现在把翻译的RTX_CONFIG.C文件与一些新的做一个分享。






* Purpose: Configuration of RTX Kernel for Cortex-M

* Rev.: V4.05


* This code is part of the RealView Run-Time Library.

* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 KEIL – An ARM Company. All rights reserved.



#include <RTL.h>



* RTX User configuration part BEGIN



//——– <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> —————–


// <h>Task Configuration

// =====================


// <o>Number of concurrent running tasks <0-250>//并发运行任务数

// <i> Define max. number of tasks that will run at the same time.//定义最大数量的任务将运行在同一时间

// <i> Default: 6 //默认6个任务

#ifndef OS_TASKCNT

#define OS_TASKCNT 6



// <o>Number of tasks with user-provided stack <0-250>//任务数量与用户提供的堆栈

// <i> Define the number of tasks that will use a bigger stack.//定义一些任务将使用更大的堆栈

// <i> The memory space for the stack is provided by the user.//内存空间的堆栈是由用户提供

// <i> Default: 0//默认0?那些任务提供更大更大的堆栈呢?

#ifndef OS_PRIVCNT

#define OS_PRIVCNT 0



// <o>Task stack size [bytes] <20-4096:8><#/4>//任务堆栈大小[字节] <20-4096>

// <i> Set the stack size for tasks which is assigned by the system.//设置堆栈大小为任务分配的系统


// <i> Default: 200//默认值为200

#ifndef OS_STKSIZE

#define OS_STKSIZE 50



// <q>Check for the stack overflow //检查堆栈溢出

// ===============================

// <i> Include the stack checking code for a stack overflow.//包括堆栈检查代码堆栈溢出

// <i> Note that additional code reduces the Kernel performance.//注意,附加代码内核性能降低。



#define OS_STKCHECK 1



// <q>Run in privileged mode //运行在特权模式

// =========================

// <i> Run all Tasks in privileged mode.//运行的所有任务中的特权模式

// <i> Default: Unprivileged//默认:无特权模式

//【提问?什么是特权模式啊?privileged mode 是what?privileged 还能解释为专用的,保密的,难道是保密模式?此选项默认是关闭的。】

#ifndef OS_RUNPRIV

#define OS_RUNPRIV 0



// </h>

// <h>SysTick Timer Configuration//系统时钟

// =============================

// <o>Timer clock value [Hz] <1-1000000000>

// <i> Set the timer clock value for selected timer.

// <i> Default: 6000000 (6MHz)//本系统下为72MHZ


#ifndef OS_CLOCK

#define OS_CLOCK 72000000



// <o>Timer tick value [us] <1-1000000>//时间片大小[单位:us]<1-1000000>

// <i> Set the timer tick value for selected timer.//设置时间片大小

// <i> Default: 10000 (10ms)//默认10ms

#ifndef OS_TICK

#define OS_TICK 10000



// </h>


// <h>System Configuration//系统配置

// =======================

// <e>Round-Robin Task switching//轮询任务切换

// =============================

// <i> Enable Round-Robin Task switching.//启用轮询任务切换


#ifndef OS_ROBIN

#define OS_ROBIN 1



// <o>Round-Robin Timeout [ticks] <1-1000>//时间片轮转

// <i> Define how long a task will execute before a task switch.//定义多久任务执行一个任务切换


// <i> Default: 5


#define OS_ROBINTOUT 5



// </e>


// <o>Number of user timers <0-250>//用户定时器使用数

// <i> Define max. number of user timers that will run at the same time.//定义同一时间内用户可以运行的任务定时器最大数量

// <i> Default: 0 (User timers disabled)//默认:0,(用户定时器禁用)


#define OS_TIMERCNT 0



// <o>ISR FIFO Queue size<4=> 4 entries <8=> 8 entries

// <12=> 12 entries <16=> 16 entries

// <24=> 24 entries <32=> 32 entries

// <48=> 48 entries <64=> 64 entries

// <96=> 96 entries


// <i> ISR functions store requests to this buffer,//当从中断程序冲被调用时,侦察功能请求缓冲区【这边不懂】

// <i> when they are called from the iterrupt handler.

// <i> Default: 16 entries

#ifndef OS_FIFOSZ

#define OS_FIFOSZ 16



// </h>


//————- <<< end of configuration section >>> ———————–


// Standard library system mutexes//标准库系统

// ===============================

// Define max. number system mutexes that are used to protect //定义最大数系统互斥锁,是用来保护标准运行时库

// the arm standard runtime library. For microlib they are not used.


#define OS_MUTEXCNT 8




* RTX User configuration part END



#define OS_TRV ((U32)(((double)OS_CLOCK*(double)OS_TICK)/1E6)-1)



* Global Functions



/*————————— os_idle_demon ———————————*/


__task void os_idle_demon (void) {

/* The idle demon is a system task, running when no other task is ready */

/* to run. The ‘os_xxx’ function calls are not allowed from this task. */


for (;;) {

/* HERE: include optional user code to be executed when no task runs.*/






/*————————— os_tmr_call ———————————–*/


void os_tmr_call (U16 info) {

/* This function is called when the user timer has expired. Parameter */

/* ‘info’ holds the value, defined when the timer was created. */

/ *这个函数被调用时,用户计时器已过期。参数’ ‘info’的值,指当计时器创建。* /

/* HERE: include optional user code to be executed on timeout. */

/ *:包括可选的用户执行的代码对超时。* /





/*————————— os_error ————————————–*/


void os_error (U32 err_code) {

/* This function is called when a runtime error is detected. Parameter */

/* ‘err_code’ holds the runtime error code (defined in RTL.H). */

/ *这个函数被调用时,说明系统运行时检测到一个错误。错误代码在参数’err_code ‘中。(定义在RTL.H中)。* /

/* HERE: include optional code to be executed on runtime error. */

/ *:包括可选的执行的代码在运行时错误。* /


for (;;);





* RTX Configuration Functions



#include <RTX_lib.c>



* end of file


转载请注明:徐自远的乱七八糟小站 » 【原创】RL-ARM-RTX的配置文件翻译

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